Remember, We've Got Company!

Last Update: March 03, 2011

The Wealthy Affiliate 7-Day One Dollar Trial Offer begins at 12 Noon EST on Tuesday, March 1. Between then and March 8, anyone who pays a dollar will have full access to this site for seven days, so I wanted to remind everyone here at WAU that we should be on our very best behavior:

  • No wild parties to which I am not invited.
  • Shoving everything on the floor under your bed does NOT qualify as "cleaning your room."

  • Suits and ties are not mandatory, but shoes, socks or stockings, and clean underwear are.

  • Facial hair should be neatly trimmed, and skirts should be no more than an inch above the knee.

  • No yelling at anyone unless something is on fire.

  • Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.

  • Since we don't know their last names, Carson and Kyle should be referred as "the headmasters."

  • If you use the last of the ice cubes, making more is actually quite simple: Put water in the tray before you put the tray back into the freezer.  

  • No shooting spitballs at the screen during Jay's webinars.

  • The curfew is midnight -- and don't even think about watching the porno channel because I will be checking the cable bill!

Remember, the whole point of the trial offer is to get people to JOIN Wealthy Affiliate, and you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression! 

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PotPieGirl Premium
AWESOME post! Laughed my tail off while reading it. Thank goodness I put my GOOD pajamas on today while working... wouldn't want to give a bad impression!
kyle Premium Plus
Funny stuff! ..good thing I shaved today! :)
chunkynonkey Premium
u- have a great sense of humour! helps 2- get by in this crazy- world bill
phildeeze Premium
I have no problem keeping my facial hair nice and trimmed, but the skirt rule is an outrage! I am from California where the girls wear skirts that are smaller than the underwear underneath them :) But it is cold out so I suppose I wont be missing anything.
jatdebeaune Premium
Love it! I promise. No four letter words either.