The Forbidden G Word!

Last Update: January 23, 2011

Had an article rejected because it contained a "forbidden" word.

Who, me? Someone who spent ten years writing ads, ten more writing and editing music journalism, then ten years more writing about politics? Someone who's been called a "grammar Nazi?" Do I sound like the kind of person who would let a forbidden word slip past me?

 Yet apparently, that's exactly what I did. Here is the forbidden sentence:

For the sake of your business, don't gamble with your online image when embedding videos on your own Web site is so simple and cost effective.

Have you spotted the forbidden word? Give up? It's


No matter that I was speaking metaphorically, or that the only relationship my article might have to gambling is the video surveillance the big casinos use. The fact that "gamble" was one word out of nearly four hundred was enough to terrify them.

I changed  "gamble with" to "risk undermining," and the article was published instantly. I wonder how many quality articles their "forbidden words" policy has cost them.

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DABK Premium
Ben G. You're right, most of the time it would. I had something like that once and the reviewer said, Rules are rules.

I also had one who refused to publish one of my articles because I used the name of a city yet my article was not about that city (or, for that matter about any city).

Rules were rules then too. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Ben G. Premium
It was probably caught by some automated review process. If you went through the trouble of emailing the directory and asking for a human reviewer, it might have been approved.
Alex Copeland Premium
The worlds gone mad! lol!
Labman_1 Premium
Well fortunately you have sufficient command of the english language to work around their prejudice. Every day is a learning experience.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think that's sick. It can only be EZA, the eccentric ones.