YES !!!

Last Update: May 31, 2010

YIPEE!!! I'm back a day early!!!

Missed me ;) {hehe}

After my break(@ jatdebeaune),being one with nature(@ maureenhannan),not taking my qwerty phone with me(@ moonstone-though I don even have 1)and appreciating the beauty(@ cld111)...I'm back to learning !!!

When grandma asked me why I hadn't been to see her in a while,I started making excuses when I realized...I was responsible,and NOT my circumstances!!! It reminded me of an article I'd read and will share with you now...


STEP 1.Take responsibility for your life.

You are totally responsible for your life. This is the foundation principle you must embrace if you plan for happiness and success in life and work.

How do you take responsibility for your life ?

  • Listen to the voice in your head. Eliminate blame; eliminate excuses. If the blame track or the excuse track plays repeatedly in your mind, you are shifting responsibility for your decisions and life to others.

  • Second, listen to yourself when you speak. In your conversation, do you hear yourself blame others for things that don’t go exactly as you want? Do you find yourself pointing fingers at your coworkers or your upbringing, your parent’s influence, the amount of money that you make, or your spouse? Are you making excuses for goals unmet or tasks that missed their deadlines? If you can hear your blaming patterns, you can stop them.

  • Third, if an individual you respect supplies feedback that you make excuses and blame others for your woes, take the feedback seriously. Control your defensive reaction and explore examples and deepen your understanding with the coworker or friend. People who responsibly consider feedback attract much more feedback.

Well...there's step 1...more to come later...

Chat you soon..,



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jatdebeaune Premium
Haven't read it, but will. I'll tell a white lie to protect someone's feelings, but I won't tell them they are the best thing since sliced bread if I don't think so.
rookie-san Premium
@jatdebeaune- true...but very hard to be honest sometimes.Have you read "Radical Honesty" by Brad Blanton? It's very "eye-opening",to say the least.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Benn. Those are words to live by. You also have to be totally honest about your feelings. When people don't want to do something, they often make excuses. I know I used to say "oh, I'm too busy", or "I have an appointment". Now I just say "I don't want to". Oddly enough, people respect the honesty.