A Must Read !!!

Last Update: May 26, 2010

Hey Everybody,

It's my sixth day @ WAU and as I was going through my tasks on the action plan,sth struck out 2 me.


There's so much resources that all I do when I get home from school is sit @ my computer.When I started feeling some discomfort in my back and neck,it got me thinking...is any of my buddies suffering from the same?

I then decided 2 write sth abt it.

Even though most of my buddy network is very experienced in IM and other stuff I'm sure you sometimes forget caring for your body when having so much fun @ your computer so here goes the first piece of a series of advice I'm going 2 give you.Hope it helps :)

While sitting;


-Sit with both feet flat on the floor,

-Keep knees at or slightly below the level of your hips,

-Sit firmly against the chair back,

-Protect your lower back with a lumbar support or rolled-up towel.


- Don't slump'

-Don't sit in a chair that's too high or too far from your work,

-Avoid leaning forward,

-Avoid arching or rounding your back.

That's it for today...Hope it helped and I'll be back with more soon.


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rookie-san Premium
Thanks 4 all your comments and sorry I wasn't interactive...the action plan's really got me busy n i don't have a lot of time after school classes.
I'm glad I helped.
rocktivity Premium
when I bought my first computer, I knew I had to also get a proper computer chair. But I figured I could buy one after "roughing it" in a regular chair until I got my next paycheck. I "roughed it" for exactly three hours and bought my computer chair THE NEXT DAY!
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow Benn, Bingo! I've been having terrible neck and shoulder pain from the computer. It's almost a relief to hear you talk about it. Yes, it's a posture problem. I sit at this thing all slumped over like a hairpin. A good exercise is face a corner with a hand on either wall, then push your body into the corner. It relieves stress. Thanks for the blog.
Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for sharing this great blog! I was in a terrible car accident in 1998, physical therapy for 12years now. My back is a mess.
maureenhannan Premium
Great niche! You may already be aware of this term, but I'm just betting that the phrase "referred pain" and its variations would be a biggie. I did a lot of reading up on this when a family member was having a rough time with lower back pain. But there were pains elsewhere too...which turned out to be "referred pain" from the lower back issues. Good luck!