About Roqdil
Joined June 2010
I was born May 6th, 1962. I am a Christian. I do a lot of things that its hard for me to say which one effectively describes me. 8 months ago I retired from a banking career of 25 years. I remain a songwriter, a singer and basic accompaniment guitarist.
Presently, I fend for my household financing small businesses here and there for a participation in their profits, and I also sell used cars.
Making money on the internet has been of great interest to me since 2007, and I have burnt my fingers somewhat falling prey to crooks online. But thank God, here I am on WA! I am looking to finally be able to put up my legs on the table working Internet Marketing and earning such decent regular income as is said to done without being up and about the whole place all of the time.
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Roqdil Premium
'Am a Nigerian in Lagos, Nigeria. This scheme is not very easily accessible here, and those few who know a little about IM tend to hoard what they know. So, please hold my hand somebody.
johnbassman Premium
Roqdil Premium
Thanks John. Hoping to be your Buddy.
FatWallet Premium
Hello there, Welcome to WA!
FatWallet Premium
You are welcome! Sure, you will learn how to make bucks and that's why we are all here for...good luck to you.
Roqdil Premium
FatWallet, thanks man. I like a wallet too, to keep the bucks I'll learn to make!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Roqdil Premium
Jamie, Hi. Thanks.
Roqdil Premium
I am new here. But not so green, I guess. I need friends. I want friends who can lead me through. Things are great here, I dont know where to start. I have barely scraped the surface of the getting started document. HELP!!!!!!