Don't Think about It, We do Keep Promises here at Wealthy Affiliates

Last Update: August 29, 2010

I feel bad. I feel really bad.I feel I have to write this possibly even in the forum so everyone would have a chance to see it. I may have hurt the top-ranked members of WA here out of my frustration with the loads of learning materials coming at me here and there.

PLEASE, YOU GUYS ARE NOT SHARKS. And this is from my heart. Please, let no member take that statement the way it sounded. I am a guy who appreciates appreciation. And I must tell you, you've all been helpful in your resource submissions here. Further, I am finding out that I do know a lot of things that can get me rolling. Articulating them seems to be the problem. I guess it's my innerman that is revolting seeing he knows all these nuggets but is frustrated in getting me to piece them together into a functioning process that it is geared to be.

It is true that I followed recommendations on some tutorials to some sites where I saw tools that actually made things easy to do. I guess the frustration of being required to spend more money when I have not yet made a cent just ignited the accumulated questions of fairness. Fair enough though, there were also links to the not so easy to use free versions, which in themselves yielded learning opportunities to absolute greenhorns like me.

I received from Slugger_mn the pdf version of their SEO2 product for free, and I discovered from their strategy that I actually have the knowledge of that strategy. And PotPieGirl contributed a lot to my acquiring that knowledge, as well as Kyle and Carson, of course. I should thank my special friend Matt (OldMizer) for helping me regain perspective when I got totally flustered.

Please, I would like everyone on WA still looking to make it happen to stay on it, and keep sincerely working at it; and as PPG was telling me recently on my email, 'believe'. I don't wanna be the one you reference for quitting. I know we could do with a lot more down-to-earth 'how to do' stuff, and as it is now known that there might be others like me on board, such resources will be developed. WA can only get better, and it is getting better. I wanna personally clap for Kyle and Carson for answering their calling and staying true to it. Many people out there who have something near what they have are using it selfishly and they are not even giving value. These young men and their associates are giving us a life-long gift. You have to be truthful with yourself.

I have been interested in the idea of making a living from online work from the moment I bought my laptop and internet access in October 2007. I have read that it is do-able, but sadly, I discovered that a lot of people rather than teach you it, prey on your desire for it and fleece you of your money. However, here at WA, it is not so.

I made up my mind I was coming to school. You know, adult education; so I took advantage of the discount and paid for 12 months training. Only thing is you have to drive yourself. As an adult learner you've got to keep yourself on course. And if you feel you are not getting anywhere, you take action to correct it. I guess in my own case, I screamed instead! I feel embarrassed really that I actually hit the button to publish that, and I feel that's the risk of using the internet - you have to be able to censor yourself when needed all the time so to not compromise your position.

However, all is not lost; I guess I got eyes on me now. And I believe they are looking to help me make it. When I am helped, many other members would have been helped too, I expect. Internet enterprise is not even considered here in Nigeria, so you may begin to see my anxiety. As it seems, I am totally on my own here. Were it not that I recently got retired from my full-time job of many years, my family would even say that I am lazy. I know for sure they'd be thinking that I am wasting my time even now.

Only the corporate bodies are harnessing the power of the internet with dignity. As an individual you are thought to be a crook if you say you are learning to make money by internet marketing. So the culture of computer usage in that area is at best practised underground, meaning that nobody is nearby to answer your questions. When I stumbled upon where I'd been experimenting with blogging, even the computer administrators of my then employers did not know of blogs and their use; as I discovered when I tried to get answers from them about blogging issues I had.

Notwithstanding this, here there are often advertisement made by those who say they have the knowledge to train people after collecting course fees from them. They are pretty much like those on the internet who sell you online seminars which you come away from without any workable knowledge. So you see, with my background here, it is imperative that I at least know for myself that I am getting something useful out of it. Especially with 3 months gone of the 12 that I subscribed for and no specific benchmark by which to evaluate my progress, it feels rather desperate, you know.

Still, I think I am making progress following the path of article marketing. Early this morning I made submissions to article directories using brad Callens free Article Submitter which came with a user manual. It was a good experience.Unfortunately, I can only redirect to my squidoo lenses as at now. I also found Article Tool Chest, but I am yet to see how to use it since the demo videos won't upload. I've often searched to see a user manual for our RapidWriter but haven't yet. Before I joined it was so highly spoken of, it, SiteRubix, NichwQ and our great KeywordTool. Please, I need a detailed 'How to use' and navigation button explanation on these great tools.

Kyle has told me that my WA Hosting problems are over, but I do not yet know how to put my 2-month-old domain name into use. I followed the instruction on the Domain Purchase resource and bought a domain name with a possibility of multiple usage. The name is

My idea when I thought up that name was

1. to be able to use it again and again without needing to buy any more domain names.

2. to use it for multiple product offerings ( and services)

3. to use it to compare products and services ( much like what you probably call review sites)

Ok. Now someone reading this might be thinking 'you got it right, so go ahead'! That's just the problem.

I don't know how to go ahead.

I don't know what to do next.

I don't know how to use this Domain without exhausting it on a single set-up. ( Now be sure you understand what I am trying to say on this point. I mean, how to actually achieve the multiple usage intended for this Domain name. Can I use it to create site after site, each standing alone; but all in the name of the domain I have stated above. Or, am I going to have one PARENt site using that name and all subsequent ones set-up as subs (sub-domains). Whatever the recommendation, please, how do I proceed to make it happen.


Thank you everyone. I really do love you all. Long Live Wealthy Affiliates!!!

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