About Rosa
Joined October 2008
I'm new to the internet marketing world and very excited to have found WA. I'm in the financial services industry but looking to become a full time internet marketer as soon as possible. I also plan to use this knowledge to promote my network marketing business online. I'm very much into health and wellness and natural alternatives and will be looking for products and services in this industry.

I live in New York City where I was born and raised. I love spending time with my family and friends. I don't go out much but when I do, I have fun! I'm also a huge sports fan, I mean HUGE!!! I love to watch, talk and participate in sports and recreational activities. I'm a martial artist who unfortunately hasn't had much time to train lately. Becoming a successful internet marketer will eventually give me the time and money to do the things I enjoy the most, especially traveling. This summer I had a great time in Puerto Rico visiting family and in Brazil chillin with friends.

Will be working hard to make this happen!

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jchoice Premium
Welcome to WA! let us know how you are doing, To your success. jchoice
Rosa Premium
Thanks for the welcome! will keep everyone updated.
It must be nice in Santa Cruz, getting a bit cold in NY. ~rosa
Ezinewriter Premium
That's right only quitters fail. Welcome to WA Rosa, and hope you'll learn as much as possible here and become successful in you're new endeavor.
Rosa Premium
Thanks for the welcome Sylviane! We have a few things in common like languages (fluent in Spanish & studied French), network marketing (but fortunately found a company with great products & that offers lots of support) and hating to go to a job (that's the truth). Love your blog! i see that you like to write articles, I know who to ask for advice from. ~r
zenshredder Premium
Hey Rosa I'm a Martial Artist too! I wrote the martial arts section for my website which is about health and wellness. Check it out and let me know what you think...What style did you study? I'm very a much a believer in developing your own style from the tools you are given. Much like a skateboarder or guitarist learns techniques and eventually develops his own way of doing it.

Rosa Premium
Hi Zen, great site! thanks for sharing it. I'm into health wellness and nutrition as well. It's so important to keep a healthy mind and body. I used to study tae kwon do some years back but most recently I've been a student of capoeira. I love all styles and wish I could just train. I plan to go back very soon. For now I will learn as much as I can about IM and make it work. I took a look at your lens, nice job! I am working on mine on a nutritional product that I love and plan to have it up this week. My first one so wish me luck. If you have any tips, I'm all eyes! lol ~rosa
Micky Premium
yes....born and raised in NYC myself...welcome!
Rosa Premium
Hey Micky thanks for the welcome! I love Vegas and will be there in february, can't wait. best of luck on your return!
mightyone Premium
welcome to the WA show; nice quote too...
mightyone Premium
Hey Rosa; how are you? Nice pic of your car. I can certainly ride shot gun in that one.
Rosa Premium
Hey Antonio, thanks for the welcome! I'm into network marketing as well. Any advice or tips on using IM to succeed in NM would be great. ~rosa