About Micky
Joined January 2008
I thought I would update my "About Me" page....I finally got a little taste of making a tiny bit of cash on my 1st site (thanks Roger!) Now I just need to put more work into promoting it with articles, blogs ect. Then, I hope to create many more of these sites and as they say, repeat, repeat, rinse, and repeat....Thanks Roger again for teaching and guiding everyone in your little group!

Also, I am a part of a team that was FREE to join and nothing to buy or subscribe to ever while on this team. Its actually pretty awesome as I see a tiny bit of money made on this team as well, with no money spent on my part.

Take a look at the team site: www.ThePowerBarClubTeam.com

I hope to make a little bit more money with this team and funnel it back into all my created websites (with the help of Roger) promotional tools (from Roger) to streamline my manual efforts.

That's the goal, and I am sticking with it....
Micky's Accomplishments

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a to z Premium
hi micky,

i do hope that too! I'm very serious about this too in that I sleep late and wake up early to log on. There's so much to digest !

Btw, i added you in my buddy list. I hope i can ask you some questions once in a while.
Thanks Micky !
Micky Premium
Hi there again, cool, ill add you to my buddy list too....i have gotten great advice so far from others that have been doing this awhile......all say, follow the 8 week plan!

and of course you can write or PM me any time! Best of LUCK!
Micky Premium
Just joined WA Jan2nd'08.
Very overwhelming here, but willing to take it step by step and hopefully earn a good living here at WA! Write back, it's always great to meet new people....
Micky Premium
Hey Edward!
Great Avatar!
Micky Premium
IM BACK.......left since march 2008, but I'm back......
ejortiz Premium
Thanks!!! Looking forward to growing with WA... Take care...
TJ Books Premium
Welcome back, M! Send me a personal message with your programs if you like. John
makingcash1021 Premium
Hey Mickey! It's edward brown
Micky Premium
Thanks for posting on my WA-Space!
I just left you a PM.