The Newbie Zone -- How Do I Add A Buddy?

Last Update: March 05, 2010

Here's how you add another member as your Buddy:

  1. Visit the member's WA Space profile page.
  2. Look for the sidebar on the right hand side of the page.
  3. Click the "Add to Buddy List" link.

This will send a Buddy Request to the member you just added.

 A member asked how you find the member's WA space profile page.  

 If you're on the main WA site and you see a member's username, it's usually a link you can click.  

 If you see their username on the forum, it's a little trickier.  Here's a guide on how to do it -- How Do I Find A Member's WA Space From Their Forum Username?

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Roy Penrod Premium
If you see their username on the main WA site, it's usually a link you can click. If you see their username on the forum, it's a little trickier. I've got a guide on how to do it in The Newbie Zone -- "Find A Member's WA Space From Their Forum Username".

I'll put a link to it in this article so it's easier to find. Thanks!
Roy Penrod Premium
Thanks! Just glad I could help. Let me know if you have any questions I haven't covered.
tmagold Premium
As a four hour member now your How do I tools are just what I needed!