The Newbie Zone -- How Do I Learn All These Internet Marketing Terms?

Last Update: February 27, 2010

One thing is certain ... you're going to hear a bunch of new terms thrown around here at WA.

So how are you supposed to learn them?  

Check the WApedia Definition Database!  Here's how you do it:

  1. Hold your cursor over "Help" in the top menu bar.
  2. Move your cursor down to "WApedia Definition Database" and click on it.

You can see a list of the most popular definitions, the newest definitions added, and the definitions others have requested.  

You can even search it!

One term you'll run into a lot is PPG.  

When I first saw it, I thought "What's that?  A new way to advertise a band?  Pay Per Gig?" lol

It's shorthand for Pot Pie Girl.  Pot Pie Girl (aka Jennifer) is well known for helping other members out.  In fact, she describes herself as a "help-a-holic".  I love that. :-)

She also created One Week Marketing.  It's her action plan broken down into daily tasks you can complete in a week.

I haven't purchased it, but a friend of mine has and she really likes it.  A lot of other members recommend it, too.

Thanks for the tip, JaredB!

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lubohn Premium
Thanks for posting this Roy...That help button is a GREAT feature.