The Newbie Zone -- Taking Your First Steps -- Putting The Action Plan Into Action

Last Update: March 02, 2010

WilsonG sent me a buddy message today. He's following my guide to getting started at WA, but he's still feeling overwhelmed by the massive amount of information. And I know if he is, you probably are too.

It's easy to get confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed when you try to learn all the techniques experienced internet marketers use to make money online.

"What the hell is a Link Wheel? And how many of those do I need?"

"Backlinks? What are they again? And how do I get those?"

"Did my Squidoo just eat my Weebly?!?"

It's enough to drive you crazy. lol

Well, I've got some good news for you. There are only six skills you need to learn to get started with affiliate marketing. That's right ... six.

And here they are ...

The Six Skills You Need To Learn To Get Started Wtih Affiliate Marketing

  1. Find A Profitable Niche
  2. Discover Good Keywords
  3. Choose A Good Product To Promote
  4. Write Effective Messages
  5. Create A Website
  6. Drive Traffic To Your Website
Everything you learn will fit under one of these six skills.

You don't need to learn hundreds of techniques to get started. You just have to learn one or two good techniques for each skill and you're ready to go.

If you stick to the basics and perform them to the best of your ability ... again and again ... you will find your success. Truly successful people master the basics.

Building a successful affiliate marketing business is a lot like building a wall.

You don't build a wall all at once. You start by laying one brick. Then you lay another brick and another.

Focus on laying each brick. The wall will take care of itself.


Let's take a look at the first skill ....

Find A Profitable Niche.

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JaredB Premium
Good advice, Roy!
Roy Penrod Premium
Just glad I could help, Raeby.
raeby Premium
Once again Roy, you have helped me out!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!! More Gold goes to Roy!!!!!