Posts by Russ007 2
January 03, 2010
Day 2 of doing things has found me a niche.  I have found a possible 5 clickbank products all fitting with my niche and have started  on a Website.  Who said Site Rubix was easy? Most of my struggle was caused by my trusty old computer, which happens to still run Windows XP.  The Site Rubix does not function well with XP.Nobody told me that!  I tried on  our laptop with Vista and it is much better now.  I try not to use that computer cause I really hate Vista a
January 02, 2010
I have been here for 3 days now reading and studying anything and everything I could find.  I have learned a lot but have this nagging feeling that I need to act on something and soon.  I think I have the logistics of how to do some of this figured out but I still need to decide on a niche.  Dieting and Make money seemed like they might be the obvious choices, but there is so much competition.  Can I compete?  maybe not a good place to start.  I have signed up for c