I have niche,I think

Last Update: January 03, 2010

Day 2 of doing things has found me a niche.  I have found a possible 5 clickbank products all fitting with my niche and have started  on a Website.  Who said Site Rubix was easy? Most of my struggle was caused by my trusty old computer, which happens to still run Windows XP.  The Site Rubix does not function well with XP.Nobody told me that!  I tried on  our laptop with Vista and it is much better now.  I try not to use that computer cause I really hate Vista and I really dont like the small screen of the laptop.  Maybe The new windows 7 will be better.    I am working thru it trial and error, more error than anything.  I will get there eventually and it may not be as pretty as it should be, but hey"its my first try".  I am going to start with 1 product and add more later.  Website up and running first and then its onto writing articles!  Enough rambling for tonight.  Tomorrow is another day,,,,,One of my Dad's old sayings

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