Posts by Saytue_sayewhat 9
May 11, 2011
Waddup WA, Man, I never knew how time consuming writing followups for your subscribers really is. I recently got my first 3 subscribers. for my "Magic Crochet Magazine" niche.....yaaayyyy for me (woop woop). It's funny, because I actually did a split testing and my second one got me my first theree subscribers in a week. Before joining WA, I created a site (long time ago) promoting "Magic of Making Up" and "Mort Fertel Marriage Counseling". I put a auto respon
April 28, 2011
Hello WA Fam, I saw this site claiming to show how to increase fb traffic and create fan pages and stuff. Also reseller rights are available. What do you think of it? Scam?
Hello WA, Saytue aka Saytue Sayewhat here. I'm sure everyone heard about Trump running for president? What are your thougts on this? I'm doing a show tonight on this niche at 1am est and thought you like to voice your opioion on it. 718-664-6543
March 17, 2011
Hello Fam, Just a quick announcement. I'm doing a show on the best internet marketing courses and of course I'll be talking about WA.  It will be extremely great to have maybe 2 or three successful WA members leave a testimony. Also, it will be great on this special WA member, because he/she can market themselves on air (I'll make sure of it) and spill out all thejuicy stuff they're doing. Anyways, If interested, please PM me before Sunday and I'll give more info. Thanks guys;-) &
Hello WA, I know many of you read Kyle's blog "Google Hate's You..." right. Well, I decided to do what he said and write a unique article on a topic that was interesting to me. Mind you, I wrote this article on March 10th around 1 or 2 am. click here to view my stats This is actually my first article on StreetArticles that has stats like this. The numbers are not too bad, but at least I know that I'm able to rank high in StreetArticles. view this article in the search engine Pretty sw
What it doooo WA fam(ily), Just thought I drop a few lines about this Obama anti bullying campaign thing. You heard about it?  Well, if you didn't, I wrote a short article on it. Please read and help support our president and stand up for the victims of bullycide. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I'll be doing a show on this 3/15/2011 @ 1am est. If interested and don't want to forget, click here and subscribe to get
Just curious.......I do article marketing, social networks (fb, twitter, linkedin), social bookmarkings and sometimes videos (youtube) to promote my shows, which work good, but I wonder how I can make my archive listens better/higher for ALL my shows. 1. Do you feel like keeping the "category" the same makes a difference? Idk if you guys know Vegas Vince, but his numbers are rediculously stoopid and I need to get where he at ASAP. 2. What are some ways to invite someone to li
Hello WA fam, My show "Mixture of Arts" will air Tonight at 1am est. The topic is "can you love 2 people at the same time?" Idk how it will turn out, because my show usually airs on Wednesday's. But anyways, you can def check it out here.  In a few days, I'll let cha'll know my stats:-)
It's funny how like last month, my numbers for my internet radio show was extremely low. Usually they are high, so you know it had me worried and concerned. So, I took it upon myself to take a look back at all my shows with 400 and more archive listens and see why they were receiving high numbers. I looked at: 1.title 2.description 3.tags Then I looked at the blogs I created for all my shows. I'm currently using PotpieGirl's "One Week Marketing" to internet market m