Any Ideas on How 2 Internet Market a Internet Radio Show?

Last Update: March 08, 2011

Just curious.......I do article marketing, social networks (fb, twitter, linkedin), social bookmarkings and sometimes videos (youtube) to promote my shows, which work good, but I wonder how I can make my archive listens better/higher for ALL my shows.

1. Do you feel like keeping the "category" the same makes a difference?

Idk if you guys know Vegas Vince, but his numbers are rediculously stoopid and I need to get where he at ASAP.

2. What are some ways to invite someone to listen 2 my shows by email?

3. What are some ways to ask someone to become a featured guest by email?

Do you feel like I should perform my keyword research the same way I would if I was promoting a affiliate program? If not, how?

Do you think it's possible to get tons of listens through forums? Ex. Warrior Forum

Anyone's input will be greatly appreciated.


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saytue_sayewhat Premium
Hey Avilanch2001,
thanks for your advice, however, all my shows are already syndicated to itunes and podcast.When you talk about PR, are you reffering to writing articles on sites like Ezine and article base, then place a link back to my page? Then create blog posts for particular keywords pointing back to it? I create blog posts, but I have not written any articles on any PR sites for any of my shows......hmmmm, I'm thinking it might just be the problem.
thanks a bunch
avilanch2001 Premium
One thing I forgot to mention. Your using social media. Im asuming facebook is one of them. Why not Make a fan page for you and your website. Then link from your site to that page. Post infacebook about your recent brodcast or whatnot and encourage discussion or you can write an exerpt on your site and link it to a discussion in face book .thats a good way to build followers and a community. then your looking at using every brodcast you make as a way to build up fans thus increasing loyalty and onsite interaction.
avilanch2001 Premium
Ok well. I would think that article marketing might be less effective than other types simply because your looking for listeners not readers but I could be wrong. Good to hear that your using videos to promote your shows. I would think of not only archiving your brodcasts but also uploading them as podcasts. You can use your keywords in there to promote your overall site. and in your video descriptions also. One thing I would do Is focus on developing your PR for your home page as this will filter out to your other links then once you have a solid PR I would work on making sure your individual archive pages are indexed under the appropriate keywords. Havign a higher PR site will help them to rank better under your sellected keywords. Also build backlinks to your archives through targeted keywrods from smaller articles. One thing I have noticed is that google lieks unique content. One of my articles named why vegeterians are bad is one of my top articles... Not because Im hating on vegeterians but because it's somethign unique that not many people would ever write about. Im not the best marketer in the world or even the top 100 this is just my opinion on the matter. Good luck.
saytue_sayewhat Premium
Will do James:-)
Jamie Smith Premium
I got your back, please feel free to shoot me a PM.