Almost there

Last Update: June 27, 2010

Well, well, well... a few weeks ago I didn't think that I would be where I am today.

 My site is created in Site Rubix, and now I'm just struggling to get it shown in the browser.  The files have been successfully transferred using FTP (wow, something else I had to learn), but there is something slightly wrong somewhere.

That doesn't matter too much, though, because there are so many people in WA who are willing to help.  It's just a matter of a few days, and my first site will be live!!

What a learning curve it has been.  I have thought quite a lot about what Leo Buscaglia said about the quote, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."   Leo said - and this is actually wonderful - he said, "That is an insult - even to an old dog!!"

Well, this old dog has learned a LOT, and although frustratingly slow sometimes, it has been a phenomenal ride nevertheless.

I'm looking forward to the day when my site is up and I can actually  start promoting it (which will surely be another new curve to the learning curve...)

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schalkl Premium
Thanks, Irma. Yes I know - by never giving up I will conquer this little obstacle!
NEA03 Premium
I'm sure you will get it all figured out. :)