Site ready

Last Update: August 28, 2010

After a lot of hard work, and huge amounts of learning new things, my site is finally live on the internet -

I started off using Site Rubix to build my site, but changed to XSite Pro - and what a difference it made!  I would advise everybody who wants to build a website to buy and use XSite Pro - it makes it just SOOOO much easier...  Check them out at this link (to follow later - currently not working on my own computer).

Of course the site is not really "finished" as I'll constantly be improving it as I learn new things.  But for now I considered it good enough for a first try to launch it and learn from it.

Now the BIG work starts to promote my site. How I'm looking forward to that.

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Louise M. Premium
Congratulations! That's cool! If I can just give a little advice here, put PICTURES!! ;) People love them. Your page will convert better! :)