About Seankilga
Joined June 2009
I am only 14 years old but I am really into computers and electronics. Right now I am just a newbie but hopefully I can turn this into my living and can pay for college!
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jeffrey73 Premium
Sean, Perfect time, Perfect spot, Perfect age! Keep learning and DOING and you'll be earning WELL throughout College! Don't ever quit this site either, no matter what!
northkedzie Premium
Wow, you doing right thing at tight time good luck, I want you to bring your friends here so they will learn too I wish every body is like this so we can hope good future of america.
stu537 Premium
Hello and welcome to WA from another newbie.
Seankilga Premium
Hello everybody! Just joined about 5 minutes ago and already see how awesome WA is. Hope to get to know some of you really well.
Seankilga Premium
Day 2! Not sure weather to use a landing page or what for my articles any suggestions would be helpful!
kurri Premium
Hi Sean,

Welcome ... you are starting at the best age! You have everything to gain ... Good Luck!
kurri Premium
Sean ... if you start now - you will put yourself in a great position financially ...
every 14 year old should learn about how to make money ... go for it!!!
Seankilga Premium
Thanks for the welcome! By the way some people said I am to young but I glad some people feel otherwise!