About ShawnJ
Joined October 2007
If you want to succeed in IM, take massive, rapid action. You need to work smart AND hard. Just like anything else in life, you need to go and get your goals. Don't wait for them to come to you.


1. Earn $12,000/month Internet Marketing
2. See Kobe Play Courtside (Feb 4, 2009)
3. Take a 7 day trip to the Maldives (June 7, 2009)

Am I going to get these? You better believe it :-)

Happy Holidays Everyone!
ShawnJ's Accomplishments

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VictoriaNTC Premium
Hi Shawn!
You are my new WA Buddy okay? I have really enjoyed visiting with you!
ShawnJ Premium
Hey, Thanks for the comment! You are my buddy as well :-)
SSP_0506 Premium
Hey Shawn,

Thanks for the GOLD! How are you making out in your goals? Almost there yet?

To your success!

HealthSupplier Premium
To ShawnJ:

I enjoy basketball as well.
The basics of marketing is showing and telling people how you can honestly help them before you offer them your products / services.
May you find success here at WAU!


sidsevensix Premium
What Up Shown J, I'm In Calgary too.. It's good to know local people that are into IM.
ShawnJ Premium
What up bro? Its great to see someone else from Calgary in WA!
bigpoppa728 Premium
Hey Shawn,
As you can probably tell, I'm pretty new to this IM thing. I'd like to get any advice from someone with your experience. If you're willing to teach, I'm willing to learn.

Any words of wisdom?

ShawnJ Premium
Hey man,

I recommend you spend 80% of your time taking action and 20% of your time learning from your mistakes as well as from the forum. Obviously, this is going to be AFTER you have the basic knowledge. Just remember to pick one route and stick with it.

Don't get misguided by all the cool "shortcuts" and such. You should work your ass off until you reach your income goals, and THEN you can worry about automating it and such.