Posts by Shreedhar 5
January 17, 2010
Well it has been more than 3 days I looked into my laptop, been travelling for personal reasons for family.Although  I had been working recetly on the new Plugin Product for wordpress, I hadfailed several times to name it.Atlast it was on friday before leaving I named that and posted a small video demonstration of its usage on my productpage '' Qwikfront is a wordpress datafeed plugin which supports 5 network datafeeds files in csv and pipe formats.It is still under developme
The one thing that has been bothering me was inability to fix to a niche or inability to find a good niche to promote with full josh.Atlast It was the same old term I had looked upon as niche a month ago that came to my mind again. Now I'm to start working on the site contents,link building,article writing,promoting blah blah stuff. It is my serious business now.Enough being lazy towards my personal goals for the sake of Professional work. I'm getting really pssssd off by these managers.
I don't really wonder my blogs would breach other sites in reaching the first page of google for a specific term normally all network affiliate marketers search for, i.e 'Datafeed Plugin'.I did not do any article writing or backlink creation or SEO or some blah blah stuff, its just the name or blog and my product 'Speedfeedr' a wordpress shareasale datafeed plugin which has been downloaded more than 150 times till now. I am amazed to see that my personal blog also driving organic traffic on same
<script>alert('hi');</script> <a href="">link here</a> I had been observing my blog lately and found that the most of the keywords pointing to my blog clearly pointing to 'Magento','Shareasale','datafeed'. Anyhow I had already developed the plugin for Magento to upload the piped datafeed fromshareasale to Magento earlier, and thought why not make it a product out of it valuing the visitors and trust to make it more visitable. Hence I got a new Idea and na
December 24, 2009
Was obsessed with affiliate marketing and not anybody to guide me in the proper direction, and also a bit  sceptical about spending dollars on buying a plugin for my wordpress blog.It suddenly came to my mind that it would be nice If I myself write a plugin for wordpress to load the shareasale datafeed.Earlier I had somehow learnt how to revelop php code.I say 'Revelop' not 'Develop' here clearly to differentiate the fact that I take the existing code of some plugin and modify it to meet my