SpeedFeedr a product of mine

Last Update: December 24, 2009

Was obsessed with affiliate marketing and not anybody to guide me in the proper direction, and also a bit  sceptical about spending dollars on buying a plugin for my wordpress blog.It suddenly came to my mind that it would be nice If I myself write a plugin for wordpress to load the shareasale datafeed.Earlier I had somehow learnt how to revelop php code.I say 'Revelop' not 'Develop' here clearly to differentiate the fact that I take the existing code of some plugin and modify it to meet my requirements, whether it would be a large amount of code change or a change of design.

Prior to that my vision towards the magento cms was a bitmasked with the fact that there are nice templates available.Hence I had hard developed a script and advanced profile to load the shareasale data to Magento.But later when I noticed the delay and time taken for even 100 records to load , I nearly dumped the idea of developing the script anymore.

Now coming back to my wordpress plugin,I first thought that reveloping the zip file uploader and data poster would be sufficient, but after recieving lot of feedbacks on a forum, now the whole functionality of the plugin rocks.

I thought I would share  the info here. I Think its right time to develop a fullscale plugin to load keyword based content on a drip feed to wordpress ,or may be I should unwrap the secret later.


My Plugin is available to download at datafeedplug.in, my new site. Although the response is below average, atleast there are 2-3 subscribers.95 downloads so far.


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