Posts by Simoncowan 6
I was asked by a newbie on WA in how he can find high quality directory links. I use the site below to great effect for my corporate clients, some of which pay me over $2,000 per month to handle the link building process.   I thought I would update my blog with this information - Have a look at - This is a great free resource with most of the directories you wish to be in. Some you need to pay, some are free. Start with the free ones and if you want to pay f
June 18, 2010
I've not blogged much about SEO so far, which is a bit of a shame. So I would like the opportunity to set this right with a quick link of a webinar I just finished watching today. It's from a company called Adgooroo which sell many search engine marketing (SEM) services. I can vouch for the services as I use them myself for some of my client work. Now this is not a plug for them and you won't see any affiliate links either! What I want to share with you today is this webinar from a chap ca
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Now I don’t want people to confuse me with wanting to make money online to a scummy internet marketer or unprofessional spammer who abuse the system while making tons of money. Earning money online has become an important revenue generator for my business and as I'm publishing my name on everything I do, I can't hide, nor do I want to. I want to be part of the new, honest breed of internet marketers. I don’t want to become someone who spams forums and comments in hopes of exposure and back l
One of the questions I hear most often from affiliates who blog is, “How often should I post?” I like to turn the question around and ask: “How often can you produce high-quality articles that people want to read?” The “how often” question can’t really exist on it’s own. There are just too many variables to give a standard answer. What topic is your blog about? Who is your audience? How long are your articles? How often do successful blogs in your niche post? If you look around a
Ever wonder when and how often people click on links you share with your Twitter followers? There’s an easy way to find out, and I’m going to show you here. Just be warned, it can be addictive. From time-to-time, it can be useful to know the popularity of a link you share in Twitter. Maybe you want to know what time of day is best for sharing your blog posts. Maybe you want to test out a couple of versions of headlines really quickly. Or maybe you’re just curious about how many people rea
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How much is enough? How many visitors, subscribers, comments, tweets and Facebook fans do you need to achieve your goals for your website? I know we all have different specific goals, but many of us share at least one thing in common. We aspire (whether secretly or openly) to earn a respectable living from our websites and blogs. If you’re planning to make enough money from your site/blog to support yourself or build a business around, you’re probably wondering what it will take to get there