Directory Links For Your New Website?

Last Update: July 12, 2010
I was asked by a newbie on WA in how he can find high quality directory links. I use the site below to great effect for my corporate clients, some of which pay me over $2,000 per month to handle the link building process.  
I thought I would update my blog with this information -

Have a look at -

This is a great free resource with most of the directories you wish to be in. Some you need to pay, some are free. Start with the free ones and if you want to pay for a listing then make sure it has a Page Rank of at least 4 (Page Rank is a general measurement given by Google to determine how popular a page is. The higher the rank the better. You can see PR if you download the Google toolbar and activate this setting).

Quality is always better than quantity when it comes to link building. Do not sign up to any site that claims it can generate 1,000's of links for you in a month. If you do this, then you will be blacklisted by Google and that will be that! In general you should be looking for around 1 link per day, you may only need to do this for a month or 2 until you site is on the first page of Google.

You will need to monitor the results and you can do this by just going to each search engine and typing in the search keyword or key phrase. Or if you want to automate this sometimes time consuming process and trend your results, then I would recommend a software package called Market Samurai. You can access this for 12 days for free at their download link. If you are serious about making money online, you need to have this package as this is how I and other top internet marketers make their money. It also does other very good stuff like automate the process of finding domains and affiliate products to market. Takes the pain and the time out of research and moves you quickly to make money online.

Do let me know if this is useful.

To your success,


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klrrider Premium
A nice alternative for Market Samurai is Traffic Travis... and they also have a free version. MS rules!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Simon for the resource. I use Market Samurai too. Have a question for you. I submitted my sites to many top free directories about a couple years ago. What happens if I re-submit and duplicate previous entries? Does it matter?