Busy earning nothing

Last Update: February 12, 2010
Unlike others who have found that OWM was just what they needed to crack IM, I'm still struggling to make my first buck from it.

I won't go into the reasons here. When I have time and inclination, I'll post the story on my  IM blog.

But to sum up, I chose the wrong niche. Twice.

So I now have a couple of campaigns that draw from OWM but I have yet to really follow the plan by the book.

Much as I think OWM is a sound investment, I do feel it skips over one essential - finding your product.

Some people may say they can take any product and make it make money. But I think it comes down to personality.

I know I think too much and often this can be a hindrance. But in solving a potential buyer's problem by targeting them with my carefully selected keyword and directing them to my site, I have found myself doing acres of research.

This has given me a few false starts. But then I've 'gone to town' and really got deep into the subject matter.

I really am not using my time efficiently and until I do, IM will always be a slog for me. I've learned a great deal in the four months I've been at WA. But I clearly have not yet learnedhow to stop sabotaging my own success.

I've promised myself that once I get clear of my current project, I'm going to start anew with something that I can promote the OWM way.

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Roy Penrod Premium
If you're into the tattoo niche, you might want to focus on a couple of smaller niches within it ... people who want to learn how to tattoo ... and tattoo artists who want to open their own shop.

After just a minute of searching, I found this product site:

I couldn't find an affiliate program in the footer of their page, but it might be worth checking out just for ideas ... and you can always email them to see if they have a private affiliate program. Do some research on the keywords "design my own tattoo" and "tattoo schools" too. Both look promising at first glance.
JDPacero Premium
Hey dude, I see what you mean. Promoting a scam is definitely a good thing to NOT do, so I'm with you there. The tattoo thing can work if you find the right people, however, it's more of a "browsing the internet" niche... You want to go for people who think about their problem all-the-time. You will get MUCH better conversions that way. Just browse CB and stuff and scroll way down to find hidden products about tight niches. Health is a great place to start. The key is finding something that people think about all day long. Cause Tattoo's... Well.. They are very much like a browsing idea at the time. They stumble upon it cause it catches their attention momentarily. I'm sure you could make a killing if you went for the right people who KNOW they are going to get the tat, or people who are fanatics... But overall... It's a lot of browsers. Nothing is really compelling them to buy. On the other hand, if you find somebody who has a serious condition that can be relieved by eating/exercising/doing the right thing, they will be VERY inclined to buy. These are the kinds of people who you want, the kind of niche that you want. Look for a truly desperate group of people who would buy something to take away a problem that they think of, or feel, daily. Hope this helps a bit. I sent out an email regarding this to my list if you're on it, about finding new niches with CB... If not PM me and I'll send it to you. It's nothing special at all, just shows an example of finding niches by browsing the CB products... Hope this helps a bit :)
pepper bagdad Premium
I've been at WA for 6-7 months now and I feel EXACTLY the same way. I admire your honesty on not using your time effectively, I've been guilty of that myself. Too much learning, not enough doing. I've been thinking of getting OWM myself to fill in the rough spots, but after your post, I'm not sure. You seem pretty capable with your writing expertise, so if you're struggling I may not stand a chance! I'll give it a shot and hope for the best. Very well written and brutally honest blog. Well done!
Skybound Premium
Hi Joe - Thanks for dropping by. IMO the niches were wrong rather than bad. First one is online tattoo galleries. I've built several informative Squidoo lenses (no articles yet) and, with Justin's help, have just managed to start to get some rankings. But I didn't get my long tails sorted before I began, so have blindly entered a highly competitive arena and have yet to bring any real traffic, let alone sales. Second niche - and I am kicking myself for this cos I did a search of the WA forum yesterday and I unearthed info I should have found 2 weeks ago - is satellite TV on PC. I have built a stupendous review site and was sure I could get decent ranking for my kw, but the more research I did, the more suspicious I became. Now that I am certain tv on PC s/w is a scam, I'm not interested in promoting the product. Rather than let my work go to waste, I have added a page to warn people off buying this garbage. It's my good deed for the month. Thinking laterally, I also said: Well, that's the power of the internet, so why not learn how to put it to work for YOU by joining WA. Hoping to make that sucker pay somehow for all the time I've put into it.
JDPacero Premium
Chose the wrong niche twice? Which niches were they? I think you should include it for others who may be trying to stay away from "bad niches," but I ask you - more importantly - because I don't want you to label any niches "bad" before they had a good enough look. It's a big mistake that I have seen in people I've been helping (They pass up niche after niche looking for something that will make money off the bat.) Most niches can be monetized... Hope this helps =) JD