Posts by SpringOnEarth 2
June 29, 2010
Well, it's nearly July, and I must say that I'm quite frustrated with myself. The reason, is because I'm quite simply not finding the time to learn here at WA. I've been a member for a little over a month now, and I feel as though I've barely covered any ground. Frustrating, indeed. I suppose I should be a little more understanding of myself, since I'm dealing with some health issues, but even still... I have a complete lack of energy, and feel utterly fatigued all the time. This is th
June 06, 2010
I'm marking this one down in my history books... It's my 'first ever' attempt at a blog post, and for whatever reason, it's almost frightening! I suppose mostly because it's such an unknown dimension for me. I have more reason than ever before, to grab life with both hands & give it a yank, so to speak. I've got 3 beautiful, insanely energetic (think crazed monkies on the loose!) little boys, ages 2, 3, and 5!! But the hugest part of that is, I'm doing it vastly on my own. I don't
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