My 'First Ever'

Last Update: June 06, 2010

I'm marking this one down in my history books... It's my 'first ever' attempt at a blog post, and for whatever reason, it's almost frightening! I suppose mostly because it's such an unknown dimension for me. I have more reason than ever before, to grab life with both hands & give it a yank, so to speak. I've got 3 beautiful, insanely energetic (think crazed monkies on the loose!) little boys, ages 2, 3, and 5!! But the hugest part of that is, I'm doing it vastly on my own. I don't fancy the term 'single mom' all that much, but I guess it's time for me to admit that's what I really am. Yeah, it's freaking challenging, but I'm up for it. And that's part of why I'm here @ WA... To prove to myself, above all else, that my lifelong aspiration of being overly wealthy can indeed come to fruition. And obviously because I want to be an amazing example for my kids, so that they see first-hand 'anything is possible'. But also, I want to help people. Not just myself, or my kids, etc., but my whole life I've felt that I need to do all I can to help others. I can't think of a single person I've ever met, that said they had enough money & that they really didn't need anymore. For that reason, I first need to rake in the bucks myself, and then bestow that knowledge onto others, in a truly pay-it-forward sense. I realize there are so many terms, quotes, etc. that are so highly overused these days, and it actually gets on my nerves to see the same stuff spouted off in nearly the same way, over & over... That's why I've come here to learn something about myself, and also about how to do something original, in a sense. Because I think we can (must!) all strive to be our unique selves in this world, and that's a true path to be on!! Anyways, I'm thinking that perhaps that's enough babbling for a 'first ever' blog post. So, off I go now, to sleep so that I can live to learn another day - tomorrow & beyond!! ;)

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xploringsuccess Premium
Thoughtful post. Keep going. The more you write the better you get at it. Don't get "analysis paralysis" doing this stuff. Put pictures of your kids on your computer (you probably already have) to inspire yourself. Get involved in the forum. Best luck.