A mish mash of thoughts

Last Update: June 05, 2011

Hi everyone,

I dont know where this is going yet so i will just put my thoughts down and see where it leads me.

Today was my first day back after a few days away from any activity and i was itching to get back to it. Prior engagements meant that i would only get time to look in and see what you good people are putting up in the forums and what blogs were being posted.

So I have had some catching up to do. Firstly i want to say that although i was away a few days and itching to get back to it, i think it done me good as a step back and take that deep breathe of air. Slowed me right down and made me think about my approach. As i said in previous blogs that i was feeling overwhelmed and slightly scared of doing something that would make me look foolish and stupid.

Today with the catching up i just got straight on and done it. I did not flounder with anything. Yes there are some things that i struggled to understand but i never stressed with it. I just fell into that mode where we are told to check out the forums or backtrack on the knowledge you have received just incase we miss something. The forums are a gold mine and yes i had to retrace my steps from past tutorials. Yes there is a lot of information to take in but it is alsways there if i need to look it up.

Taking notes....hmmmm where do i start with this.. no really... where do i start? because there is a lot of information to take in and if i have one criticism ( Sorry kyle and Carson) is that i am sent from one end of the site to another in a very short space of time. Dont get me wrong, the content is fantastic but it is the little avenues i am sent to during a tutorial. before i know it i am knee deep in windows opened on my desktop. The only way to describe it is taking four bus routes before you get to where you are going to. I would appreciate a guiding hand on this if someone would care to show me the way. I know there is a system on here that shows you a way on note taking and i read it. It was very impressive . I cant remember the person who done that tutorial. I never took notes :( . I am not stressing over this but guidance would be greatly received. In fact that tutorial about note taking would be good in a video tutorial. It would be great to see it in the flesh so to speak.

Anyway i have completed my 1st article on street articles. It is not perfect but it is a start. It is just a case of taking action. If you don't take action then how can you make mistakes. Making mistakes is a key ingredient to taking a step forward. Nobody is perfect and i certainly do not come close to it but i am going to make a real good go at perfecting the skills offered to me on here. By the way while i think on. My article is pending. How long is it usually in pending stage?

I did say in an earlier blog that i am now treating this more like a training course. That is the best decision i have made to date. For everyone just coming into this as i have, treat it like a passion and a thirst for knowledge, Know your limits.Read,read and read again until it sinks in. There is no first past the post . We have made the leap and now just keep the faith. Action will bring results. Oh and another thing i would just like to say aboutt this. I had never done anything like websites or blogs before i came to WA and i never had a clue how to get one started. I have one now which is a biggie to me. There is not much on it but i have already got someone leave a comment and likes the site and bookmarked it. RESULT !! . In order to fly you must spread your wings

Your comments are welcome .

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muskyblood Premium
Good job getting a website up Strauss! Yeah, the training can be confusing. I know exactly what you mean about bouncing around in those tutorials. I have not seen the note taking tutorial, so I do not know much there. For me, I had to read things a few times before they made sense. And of course, the more action you take the more things really make sense. The tutorials can explain it, but taking action is what will teach it. Keep up the hard work!