It,s good to communicate.

Last Update: June 06, 2011

Hello all,

I havent had a productive day as far as training went. I lost the plot again ( I am going to end up being labelled the WA sissy of the month if i dont pack it in). I sort of had a rant in the forum and thats when thisngs started to settle again. I had a reply from Josh ( Many thanks Josh) and then i restarted from the beginning. I checked previous blogs and realised that there were comments i had not read. The comments blew me away for the reason that people genuinely want to help. It didnt end there. I then received a private message from a total stranger offering to chat on skype and help me through the basics. How crazy is that? I am really going to get a handle on this if i have to dso it kicking and screaming. I apologise if i seem to be going on but i want to log every emothion and every issue i have so that when i can help someone who is in this situation i can just tell them to read my blogs to see how i ws feeling.

The moral of the story is .... Its good to communicate. Its tough to ask a stranger for help but it appears that the stories are all true and that the strangers in here really want to help.

A big thankyou to all those who have watched out for me here tonight.



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