About Suave Doggie
Joined December 2009
My name is Steve Benedict and I confess to being a "Serial Seller". I love the process of learning what induces a person to buy something. There seems to be a nano-second in time, when a persons brain decides to make the decision to purchase...or back away. All of my adult life, the psychology of selling has held a fascination for me.

I owned and managed radio stations, a weekly paper, sign shop and a car wash in Western Montana, for 35 years. I honed my copywriting skills, creative promotions and sales ability in the world of radio. We sold "air". Its an intangible product that takes some effort to convince businesses to buy.

My wife and I now live in Indiana, near our kids and grandkids. When I sold my multi media company in 2000, I was advised to invest the proceeds in the stock market. We all know how that went. Now, my wife works in school administration and I am "blogging for cash". I am determined to get us back to where we can retire comfortably some day. We are 61 and we feel 45.

I believe that life is a circle. If we all share our different skills with each other, the circle remains unbroken.

I would love to buddy with you, so let me know how I can help you and vice versa.

Best regards,

Steve Benedict aka SuaveDog
Suave Doggie's Accomplishments

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PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome :)
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Suave Doggie Premium
Love the retro Gravitar. Reminds me of the Coke ads from the 50's. Thanks for the welcome. I'll try to be a contributor.
Suave Doggie Premium
Thanks Brian. I appreciate your support and welcome. Are you a vet, intermediate or newbie like me? You're the first to post to me, and I will remember that!
Be well and safe over the holidays, and enjoy keeping Christ in Christmas.

Steve in Indy-USA
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well in your endeavors and into the upcoming holiday season and new years. You have come to the right place and as evidence of that I am one of the many who will assist if you need it. Buzz if you need help. Brian from Oregon USA