Posts by Success2Us 2
April 25, 2010
Yesterday I read through the very detailed guide to creating your first Squidoo lens, written by potpiegirl ( . Once I felt like I had a pretty good idea of what to do, I started writing my first lens - something that I had been wanting to do for several years, but just never got around to.   The guide really made it easy and I was having so much fun, I created three lenses:) I plan to add more content, and I'm looking for some feedba
April 24, 2010
After researching a bit, I took the plunge yesterday and signed up for the monthly membership to WA.  I've belonged to numerous marketing programs before, but have never found one that has such a complete set of tools.   I did the usual research prior to joining to make sure that I wasn't getting into something that would disappoint me after I gave out my CC number.  So far, I've worked through the first training session, and am enjoying being a part of this dynamic group. &n