Having fun with Squidoo

Last Update: April 25, 2010

Yesterday I read through the very detailed guide to creating your first Squidoo lens, written by potpiegirl (https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/709) . Once I felt like I had a pretty good idea of what to do, I started writing my first lens - something that I had been wanting to do for several years, but just never got around to.  

The guide really made it easy and I was having so much fun, I created three lenses:)

I plan to add more content, and I'm looking for some feedback so if you want to check them out and let me know what you think, they are:




Thanks for stopping by and thanks to potpiegirl for the great instructions!

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Ken and Gayle Premium
Wow- I'm impressed! Good job. I especially like the Gardening Tips and Tools. I am acctually in the process of putting together a raised planters bed. COOL!
Success2Us Premium
Thank you. I need to add a lot more content, but that will come in time. The guide really does make it easy to get started.
mllnmhawk Premium
Congrats, haven't gotten to that guide yet. I checked them out they look great.Good Job!!!