About Tauniann
Joined February 2009
Hi, Im Toni. A very busy solo Mum of 3. I am a New Zealand Singer/Actress with The Lion King here in Hamburg Germany. We live a comfortable life here and now that the kids are older I have time to find abundance. WA looks like the way to go for me... life is exciting.

I am very very new at this so I will take all the advice I can get. I look forward to starting this new life and making friends here. I have the Health, I will achieve Wealth, and I thrive on Happiness.

May the money making begin!!!
Tauniann's Accomplishments

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mauriora Premium
Hello darling, thank you for introducing me to this site. I signed up to the one month. Just another business I can add to my profile. I know we'll be succeeding here, therefore I'll be taking the year membership within the month. I like what I see, and it will support me in my other business ventures. Thank you for broadening opportunities.
I look forward to increasing my wealth.
mauriora Premium
Hey babe, well I published my first squidoo lens. Man it was awesome, fun and I really got into aye. I don't even care if I don't get any hits. I just wanted to go through the motions. How you going? We give each other an update every few days, check in with each other. Have you found an interest in anything in particular? I've posted several forums, and just getting involved with everyone waka...ie class of 09! I'm just jumpin on board with everyone else. Hoping to catch that gem of a gem.

Meet this fulla on Squidoo, from Gizzy babe. His blog was about Maori Graphic art. Neaty!
Better go, dinner time
mauriora Premium
Hey I saw your comment on class of 09!

Choice, get in there mte, heaps of knowledge aye, I'm so eager, sometimes I just wonna get started, but AHHHHH!!!!
Reading and reading, and learning and reading and learning. JUST A POOL OF KNOWLEDGE!
This place is more like an institute you know! The University of Internet Marketing.
4 more days then we graduate to week 2.
mauriora Premium
Hi sweety, here's a free NZ site that offers free affiliate marketing training. The tutorials are great! Yes more learning listening and reading but is great because you learn for free.
mauriora Premium
Reo told me you sounded sore, poor you babe. I look forward to our contract hui coming up.

Take care sweetheart.
Go for it, articles are time consuming aye, but I reckon after a few we'll get so used to it, we'll be able to target the right people and become pro's. Oh, maybe I can come over for a cuppa Friday and korero about Promaori. Bebo like Manamaori, Facebook like Promaori, and if you have any whakaaro to share, I'm all ears babe. Take care.
mauriora Premium
Choice thanks for that feedback babe, will monitor it.
mauriora Premium
Oh ka aroha, awesome babe. For your first lens, you can only learn from it. You can monitor it and change it. Add, delete etc. Great job babe. Some people like thorough reviews, others like short and sweet, Answers and Benefits. Find out what your audience like. Great thing is you'll be able to view other successful reviews and mimick their success.

For your first lens babe, ka mau te wehi! Well done.
Keep up the mean hine mean mahi.
mauriora Premium
Hey babe, just added my second website, oh and I've successfully added adsense to both pages. So I'm sooooo stoked! See you at class tomorrow.
mauriora Premium
Hows it going babe, 4 websites, 11 lenses and counting.

Lets rock this joint
tauniann Premium
Ha haaaaaaaaa..... awesome babe! Oh I like your yellow pic. Lets ride this journey together babe. I knew there was a reason the Lord sent you my way.... for every single thing you have ever done for me in my life... I wanna say THANK YOU!
tauniann Premium
Hi babe, I am still reading and learning. Im still very new and still getting used to the jargon. Congrats on your Squidoo thingy. Im still learning what a lens is.
Nowhere near up to where you are.
tauniann Premium
Aw cool babe, thank you... wheeeew, not enough hours in the day huh? I just signed up my Dad!!! HAHAHAAAa... he's keen as. Now how do I give you some gold.... hmmmm...... here?... no. ummm here?.... ahhhh there it is hehehe.
tauniann Premium
Write something...Ahhhh my braaaaiiiiinnnnn AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
tauniann Premium
Hi darling!
Well my tooth is killing me so got up to complete and publish my very first lens in Squidoo. I'm so PROUD of myself. Wow! Tomorrow I'll figure out what to do next. (throb throb ow ow). I remember something about Google adwords? hmmm. Gonna pop some more painkillers Hehe Ouch!...(note to self, dont laugh)
Miss yo funny ass
tauniann Premium
Yeap HARD OUT Babe. Lets get it started at least, cos its gonna be a winner! I already started brainstorming. Got some content sussed too. Just write write write aye!
Primo lens babe. I think might have too much info, oh well. We'll see what happens.
Aroha's and awhi's
tauniann Premium
No no I mean I think MINE might have too much info, duh what a dork. My bad.... sorry babe. Mine is real full on.
tauniann Premium
Gave you some gold for helping me out with all your tips babe! Danke Schoun meine schatze!!!!!
for Trooouuuble! HAHA
tauniann Premium
Haven't done anything cos been studying and concetrating on my audition... full time. Oh finished the "what girls need" thingy though.
Andrew G Premium
Just saw your post about the edit button. I can't use the profile page with Google chrome - I need to use internet explorer or fire fox. I think it could be a bit of a bug of something in the programming! Welcome anyway!

tauniann Premium
Heya Andrew, problem solved! I just need to use Firefox from now on... thanks for the advice. Toni
toolestock Premium
Hello, well... they say to get the things you want in life, you have to work for them. You are on your way. Best wishes. Joshua
tauniann Premium
Hey a newbie like me... sooo much to read huh? But so far Im enjoying the ride.
Pillar Premium
Wow... Toni, you knock my socks off. See you in the forum... Love is all there is... Gary
tauniann Premium
Hiya Gary,
Thanks for the compliment! My brain is totally overloaded but its so exciting!
Still in week one... whew
kiwiboy Premium
Welcome to WA Toni :) Sounds like you guy's are having fun over there?
kiwiboy Premium
Yes...Breath! lol The first week or so is overwhelming alright:) The INFO is everywhere!!!
I ain't creaming it yet, but I have a consistant cheque rolling in, I have been mucking around a bit though...
It is definetly there though cuz! One step at a time.

Gizzy girl aye, I know some real beautiful whanau's from over there:) cool... I am an Otaki boy myself, but camped out in welly for now.
kiwiboy Premium
Hey Cuz... How is all going... your lenses look mint.
tauniann Premium
Wow bro seems like things are starting to work for you huh? I dont think I've run into anyone who has had negative vibes about this adventure. Lee and I are keen keen keen.... gosh but week 2 is a whole 4 days away!!!! AAhhhh....
"Patience Grasshopper" haha
Im from Gizzy. You?