Help! Unable to join eBay Partner Network!

Last Update: July 04, 2012
I thought I had this FTP stuff figured out but the requirements to validate domain ownership for the eBay Partner Network have proven otherwise. I am unable to add the txt file required to my base directory using the FTP client and I do not know what to do.
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I am still not able to get the file here..
TC83 Premium
What do you mean are you having the same problem?
Apina Premium
can you provide more info? Why cant you add the file? Can the FTP connect your your site? Is it giving an error message?
TC83 Premium
Thanks Apina! I am able to connect but permission is denied. This is what happens:

Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ebaypartnernetworkactivationment.txt
Command: CWD /
Response: 250 CWD command successful
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Type set to A
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,84,65,116,236,53).
Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Command: STOR ebaypartnernetworkactivationment.txt
Response: 550 ebaypartnernetworkactivationment.txt: Permission denied
Error: Critical file transfer error
Apina Premium
What folder are you trying to put the file in?
TC83 Premium
I am trying to put it in the base folder because requires it be put there. If I am correct it is the folder that appears as "/", right?
Apina Premium
Not always no. Look for a folder called httpdoc (*not* httpSdoc) and put it in that folder instead.
TC83 Premium
Thank you Apina. I will do that and see if eBay verifies my domain.
Apina Premium
No problem, let me know what happens
TC83 Premium
Will do :)
TC83 Premium
Unfortunately it did not work and confirmation of my domain ownership is invalid. :(