Day 19: My Accomplishments Thus Far

Last Update: May 14, 2012
Day 19: My accomplishments thus far include doing all of the tasks for each day and: 

1. Combining CPC, CPA network marketing and Ad revenue to monetize my blog

2. Backlinking Everyday

3. Tapping into other affiliate marketing opportunities for niches besides my websites

The articles have really been slowing me down as I started the 30 success club way ahead and have known fallen behind (I can't wait to outsource that part!)  I have some clicks but nothing that has converted into cash yet.  I also learned my way around the FTP thanks to a serious blunder that wiped out my content.

I feel like I might actually know what i'm doing now and like the idea of being my own demanding boss, lol.
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Deezdz Premium
Congratulations TC83, you've accomplished a lot. I still haven't learned my way around FTP as it really intimidates me. I guess its normal to feel really comfortable with some tasks and not so comfortable with others.
TC83 Premium
Thanks Deezdz! I don't blame you about the FTP, it is a bit scary looking, lol.
Sielke Premium
That's great! Congratulations on all your accomplishments its really feels good to accomplish so much in so little time!
TC83 Premium
Thank you, Sielke.