About Temp Juice
Joined March 2008
- Recently quit my job as an automation tech to pursue IM full time while I pay my bills waitin tables...A LIL SKURY!!!
- Found this website, copped out and left, and was brought back, by fate if you ask me, and now am extremely passionate about making this work.
- Eager to learn...any advice or criticism is greatly appreciated!
- AIM screen name: TempJuice27
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Temp Juice Premium
Thanks man, 'preciate it!
famousplumber Premium
Thank you for your comment on my recent blog entry. That is precisely what I love about this place. It has a real sense of community. If I see that "hideous face" again I will heed your advice and headbutt the shmuck!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey TempJuice, thank you for the buddy invite. All the best to you in you IM endeavors. Looking forward to being friends.
Temp Juice Premium
Thank you...definately looking forward to it. Like your websites.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
It's all good
Temp Juice Premium
'preciate that
Temp Juice Premium
About the same...but I did find PotPIeGirl's Article "The DAM Way" is giving me a simpler approach to getting started on something that's not overwhelming. It's simple, straight forward, and it feels good to be getting something done vs. the Action Plan here. The Action Plan is nice, but seems kinda big as soon as you get to day 3. So I have a clickbank account, bought a domain, and hopfully will pick a couple products and get some articles written this wknd. You know anything about what type of buisness license to obtain to do this? That seems to be a hang up for me right now...
Temp Juice Premium
Sorry dude...replied to the wrong convo. lol