Not scared!

Last Update: August 07, 2010 it goes. Bailed on my cozy, lazy 45k /yr job to go back to bartending/serving and pursue IM at a nearly full time pace. A lil bit anxious and a whole lotta excited!! Put my 2 weeks in  yesterday. Gonna be tough to stay productive at the plant for another 7 shifts...but it's time to chase it...I have nothin but faith in myself right now and WA has a TON to do with it. Takin a plunge and I'm gonna hit some bumps, but in the end I'm gonna be self employed and livin the good life!! Let me know if I'm correct or crazy...

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Temp Juice Premium
Thanks Joan! Read your blog and it sounds like you've worked through your rookie pains, that's awesome! Encouraging words feel good, even if they come from new friends, :) cuz there's plenty of old friends that think I'm making a bad call. I appreciate it!
jatdebeaune Premium
If you feel it, and you are determined to make it work, then you have no choice but to go for it. Good move.