Posts by Terrell Ray 3
March 23, 2011
i feel like im back in school again lol, i jus finished my second article and they are right the more you write the easier it gets. I just needed to share this with some people who understand...Have a goodnite or goodmorning for some of my buddies! Peace!
March 21, 2011
 I am determined to keep myself highly motivated even to make this happen WA family Day 4 assignment is accomplished and now time for some additional studying. The lesson make sense to me with a only a little re-reading and that is slighty surprising to me @ this point. I am headed to Chicago for a week or two and this is going to be a test to stay focused around family and friends. Just wanted to say hello, plus i am bored on the train 22 hours is a long time lol
i just cant say how excited i am to be part of something tangible and great at the same time. Thank all of you for the initial support i need it please keep it coming! Day 2 has been good  and i want to keep it up i know this i real because i have a friend who was "truck driver" of all things (no disrespect any truckies out there lol) but the he has made himself into a successful internet marketer and it had inspired me to "unplug from the matrix" so today i actually got