newbie trying to make it happen

Last Update: March 19, 2011
i just cant say how excited i am to be part of something tangible and great at the same time. Thank all of you for the initial support i need it please keep it coming! Day 2 has been good  and i want to keep it up i know this i real because i have a friend who was "truck driver" of all things (no disrespect any truckies out there lol) but the he has made himself into a successful internet marketer and it had inspired me to "unplug from the matrix" so today i actually got my first website done and active that is HUGE for me! Im so geeked lol. I know its a long road but i had to start somewhere. 
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jill11 Premium
That is great!!! Congrats!!! Keep it going!
Stacydee Premium
Welcome, congratulations on your quick accomplishments!
terrell ray Premium
thanks a lot!! i need that kinda encouragement :) The key is too take action!
NEA03 Premium
Yes, this is real!! Whoa, you already have up your first website? That's great, keep it up buddy.
Nirnaeth Premium
wow that's great! :D kudos for taking action like that! that's the way to success :D