Achieved My April Goal!

Last Update: April 11, 2011

 Hi Wealthy Affiliates,

I'm overwhelmed by your response to my 100 Article A Month Formula, and I'm glad to see that it's helping people to break through in their article marketing efforts. Article marketing has been tremendous for me, and I've already reached my goal of 5 sales this month! That's the power of creating a schedule and writing articles consistently, and I hope that will inspire you to kickstart your article marketing efforts as well.

As you know, one of the biggest things I struggled with starting out is worrying about whether my efforts would pay off. As much as I kept reminding myself that completing my daily tasks is success in itself, it was very disheartening for the whole month of March to be constantly putting in articles day in day out without seeing a single sale. Well, as I learned last month, article marketing is very much a long term strategy that takes time and patience to pay off. I realized that whatever I did in March has started to pay off now in April, and that's inspiring me to continue to push forward so that I'll have even more success in May.

One of the major factors in the success of my efforts so far has been adding Email marketing to my sales funnel. Previously, I was wasting a lot of traffic due to visitors coming once to my site and then never coming back, but ever since I added my opt in landing page I've seen a marked improvement in sales conversions and a drastic reduction in "bounces". Building a relationship with my new visitors is definitely a reason why I've been having much better results this month, and I have an email list of 100+ people now that I can market to.

Now that I've achieved my modest goal of 5, I'm going to aim for another 10 more in the coming month to take it to a total of 15 for April. Time to grow my traffic and email subscribers even more!

To your success,


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cjlperson1 Premium
Congrats on your success!
Funny Girl Premium
Woah! Well done Thad, you are doing great - truly inspiring for all the newbies, keep it going!! :)