Action Is The Key!

Last Update: January 31, 2011

Hi Wealthy Affiliates,

It's hard to believe that it's only been 4 days since I started out here! I've learned so much and more importantly have been applying what I've learned step by step. 

In the past, I would have spent so much time trying to figure out everything and get it all 'perfect' before actually going about implementing it. Thus I would have all these great ideas but never actually reaping the rewards of putting them into action. The great thing about WAU is that even though there's such a wealth of information on here, it's all split up into actionable-sized modules that I can apply as I go along. I'm understanding more and more that I don't need to KNOW everything, I just need to move forward one step at a time!

So I've done my research and dug down into the niche level of the industry I want to do business in. This was absolutely critical, because previously I would cast my net too broadly and end up not really knowing who my audience was and what they wanted to achieve. We really can't assume that we know what people want - we've got to go to the sites and the forums to see what the hot trigger topics are, and that's where passion and involvement in the industry helps as well.

Right now I'm making strong progress - I've done some research (and to me this is really an ongoing process, not a one off activity), I've nailed down the keywords I want to start out with, I've bought my domain name and done the WP install, and now I'm building my landing page complete with the opt-in form. I still have some way to go to make my first sale, but I know I'm on the right track here and I'm going to continue to take action to see that success!


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popcorn Premium
This is great.
Zeron44 Premium
Congratz dude , its only been 4 days and you understand keyword research well enough to buy a domain name... you are def on the right track. Keep learning a little each day, but what ever you learn you must implement it or you will forget it. Good Luck and Welcome to WA
thadbong Premium
Thanks Shell! This is such a great space to meet and connect with like minded people. I'm so glad to have connected with you, and I so appreciate you taking the time to come by and share a word of encouragement with me. You have a great day too, and here's to us tearing it up online!
Funny Girl Premium
"I'm understanding more and more that I don't need to KNOW everything, I just need to move forward one step at a time!" - Totally agree with that - you sound like me! Wow, your determination really shows through, well done you! Welcome aboard, been here about the same amount of time I think! Keep it going, I can see you will be great at this! I too love how its all broken down into bite size chunks, and the positive atmosphere is really encouraging too!
Have a great day! Shell :)