Niche Research Day

Last Update: January 28, 2011
Wow, I'm loving the rich community interaction here in WA! The WA Space, Blog and Network is brilliant. Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by and say hi. I appreciate you!
So I've gone through the first lesson in the Getting Started Training, and it's generated a LOT of clarity for me. First of all, I've never had my role as an affiliate explained so clearly before, and that really helps me in terms of my FOCUS of what I'm trying to do online. In the past, I'd get bogged down spinning my wheels, doing 'busy work', but I never had a clear picture in mind of what I need to do, and what I want to achieve. Now, it's much, much clearer.
I now understand that before I even get myself a domain, a website, and even before I do any marketing whatsoever... I need to do my RESEARCH! I've never learned this before, and I realise now JUST HOW IMPORTANT IT IS!! 
I'm so very glad that the training is time released because that stops me from being in a perpetual learning mode and it actually forces me to get applying what I've just learned. And so right now, I'm getting into my niche and market research for the very first time, and I'm excited! The niche finding tools and guides on this site are brilliant and I'm getting into them and applying them in earnest.
As always, I'll be sharing my journey and taking action. Until the next report, I wish everyone the greatest success!

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popcorn Premium
Thanks, Thad.
algee650 Premium
You're absolutely correct. It's all about the research! I was exactly like you in the sense that I knew it, but didn't know how critical it is. You're on your way! Keep us posted on your progress.