Posts by TheWelshman 3
March 30, 2012
Due to medical circumstances I will be gone for some time, from weeks to months at a time, I will be keeping my membership to come back every now and again and say hello to you all, but for now, this me signing out, good luck to you all and thank you all for your help.   Sean aka TheWelshman 
1 comment
March 10, 2012
 Just made my first sale! It's only one but there's nothing like it, seeing the commission in my account is just awesome! This is what I've been working for, all week it seemed so impossible, but I made a sale! now I finally have something to work on, now to scale it and maximize!   -TheWelshman 
1 comment
March 07, 2012
      For those who don't know what this means, this doesn't mean me eating another human being haha this is a term used when one channel consumers the flow of another, for example, my university work eats up my time that I have to put towards my internet marketing work.      Many times this week I've been sat in the lecture halls staring out of the windows over the muddy river banks just wondering what I was doing there,  at times I really just want to stop, c