
Last Update: March 07, 2012

      For those who don't know what this means, this doesn't mean me eating another human being haha this is a term used when one channel consumers the flow of another, for example, my university work eats up my time that I have to put towards my internet marketing work.

     Many times this week I've been sat in the lecture halls staring out of the windows over the muddy river banks just wondering what I was doing there,  at times I really just want to stop, concentrate on my internet business, building an income but with so much revision and assignments to finish and paid advertising campaigns failing and then standing back and watching others succeeding just makes me wonder what in the world I'm doing, it's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

     But I know at the end of this pain there's bound to be an answer, I know at the end of this pain there's bound to be success, because pain does end, a fact which many don't acknowledge or hang around long enough to realize that pain is temporary, but that one final success, now that's forever, I will strive for it, I will fight for it, I will not fail, I will succeed, I do not understand failure, the only option is success,  I say this every day because it seems once one obstacle has been surpassed it seems like another gets thrown in my way...

 But I will succeed ...

 - TheWelshman 

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TheWelshman Premium
Haha don't worry, I wasn't sure if I spelt it correct and was far too lazy to check in Google search :P
Labman_1 Premium
Labman_1 Premium
Sorry, it was just such an important part of your concept I though perhaps the correct spelling would be helpful. Perhaps you are on the other side of the pond so the "s" is correct but you are still missing the "a". It's hard to focus on other things when you get the IM bug. Life does continue. Make sure that your options are open. Look at your studies as learning opportunities to enhance your IM efforts. What you are learning in school can be used to your advantage outside of the learning environment.