About Togrul
Joined May 2010
Hi All...

My name is Togrul and I'm from windy Baku, Azerbaijan.

I'm a happy husband and father of a cute lovely girl ( I'll post her pics here once I get myself enough familiarized with WA).

My goal is to become financially independent enough to spend my all time with my family and I do believe WA will help me to achieve it :)

Everyone's welcome to my Space :)

To our success,
Togrul's Accomplishments

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frannycas Premium
Thank you! Wish the same to you :)
Togrul Premium
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
Togrul Premium
Thanks a lot Louise :)
ScottyD Premium
Hey Togrul,
Welcome to WA,good luck with everything!! Need some buddy's just add me if you like,. later Scott
Togrul Premium
Hey Scott...Thanks a lot for the welcome :)
I will definitely add you to my list :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Togrul Premium
Thanks a lot :)