One article per day...not a bad start!

Last Update: May 21, 2010

I wrote my third article today...First article took me about 3 hours to round up...and the third one today only about 30 I'm pretty happy about how the things are developing...

They were right - once you are in it will be easy to write and produce in short time. The main thing is determination...I put a goal in front of me to write and submit at least one article every day...each matter what...and I've been following that rule for three days already...

The longer I dig into it the easier it becomes...

So, my advice to fellow beginner article marketers: Set your goals...start slowly and don't get overwhelmed..and I think you should stick to one niche for starters...just to make sure you get enough experience to move on with severals of them at the same time...

At the end, I'm happy to be here again...

To our success,


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cld111 Premium
Great job! I still struggle with being consistent and persistent. I usually end up here writing posts instead of writing articles! Oh well. :) At least I'm learning some things! Anyway, sounds like you're off to a GREAT start. Keep it up! Consistency pays! (Or so I've heard. LOL)