It won't work

Last Update: December 14, 2011

What wont work? Trying to rush to success with IM(Internet Marketing). Funny thing is I only just realized this myself but, .......Its like trying to prepare a great dish. ........................ You bought all the great, exotic and tongue twisting ingredients, definitely there has to be a process to follow, but no you suddenly decide you are hungry and in a hurry. So beef meant to cook on gas 30min, you cook in 5min, Fish meant to cook for 10 min, you cook in 2min, and like that you rushed trough all the process. Am sure you can imagine how wonderful, this absolutely great great dish would taste. So is trying to rush through the process of IM, there are some steps to follow. e.g you somehow market your website and it ranks high, but your content is poor and stuffs you want to sell are extinct, even the most carefree person wouldn't buy what you are recommending, so there are processes involved that take time even for the most experienced IM's. So always bear this in mind.

 If you had a business idea, probably buying and selling. First you will need to determine what it it you want to major in, then what is involved in buying and selling them. e.g where they are normally sold, rules that must be observed etc After that you will calculate how much will be involved and if you have the finances or can get it. you will now get an outlet, stock it, advertise before you get to the point of selling.

I think IM is just like that only a lot less stressful, since the computer/ internet gives access to a lot of resources. While with work and patience you will definitely achieve your goals and even surpass them, it will serve to make IM with all the nuances an enjoyable hobby and a favorite past time. Set aside time just for it  1hr 2hrs just make it convenient and enjoy doing the work. Do not focus on the profit just yet, just build up at your pace, and money time will be grand and limitless.


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meknowsu Premium
I have found that by the time I learn a new internet marketing method it is outdated or google decides to change their algorithm, so its best to find a system that will work for the long term instead of trying to make a quick buck. If someone is broke and needs to earn some money fast, it will be better for them to become a freelancer or independent contractor for a outsourcing company before jumping into internet marketing.
Sometimes IM is like the pearl of great price. It can take years to develop (don't I know it!) And there's no alternative for that, for if you try, you will get cheap results.
Doug Enger Premium
I think that looking at IM as a learning process, and finding ways to make it enjoyable, is the key. With all of the promises of making the big $ overnight with all of the automated, hyped up, newbie friendly systems, I have become very frustrated. Time to invest my time in a program the will teach me the skills required to become successful in IM and quit just throwing money at programs that promise to make me a millionaire in 12 months.
Tojuwon Premium
You are right on, online adverts that constantly bombard every where though is a major problem.
Well said and I'm inclined to agree with you.
Tojuwon Premium
Thank you, Like that