Newbies Clear you Head

Last Update: December 01, 2011

Most of us newbies, are individuals with little or no internet business experience, but

who have either tried a lot of everything with no actual result, or heard somethings

about everything. This is a disadvantage to any chance of success we should have

with wealth affiliate.

Let me use an analogy frequently used by chinese movies: music playing at the

background.... dun run dun...wise gentle voice saying "when a cup is already filled up it

will no longer contain any liquid".  Yeah and your point, sorry about that it poped in my

head and I cudn't resist. If your head is already filled up with too many strategies,

there's a tinny tiny probability that there will be information clash. Lets illustrate that:

The reccurent school of thought is that there are select profitable niches, and so if your

interest/hobby isn't among them, you will loose out eventually. Whereas here at wealth

affiliate we are taught that we should go for our personal interest and we will prevail

(ahhhaaa- light bulb). So for all newbies, if you were adventurous enough to pay your

hard earned $1 to join wealth affiliate, strip out all you know and Intelligently follow all

you are taught. Its just one month of training, all too soon you will have the oppotunity to

have prooved them right (which will boost them), or wrong(which they wouldn't want).

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Labman_1 Premium
Keep in mind that you can learn a lot in a month but Internet Marketing is not an overnight endeavor. You can make a big dent in your chosen niche, you may even get your first attempt to rank well but it does take time to get the traffic coming in. You need to make constant and consistent effort to make this work. Keep it up and soon you will be saying us instead of them....don't get me wrong, this stuff can be done just don't expect it to happen overnight. Oh, and welcome all you new folks. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
Tojuwon Premium
Thanks Ill definitely keep that in mind, as am already finding out.
reader Premium
I like how you write. Best of luck to you. And all of us trying to make a go of it.
Tojuwon Premium
That is mighty encouraging, thank you
JewellP Premium
You have made some good points. Thanks for reminding us!
Tojuwon Premium
wolfen Premium
I liked it a lot. I just hope its that simple. I am having a very hard time so far. LOL
Tojuwon Premium
so am I but I find that making it enjoyable first, makes it interesting. Stop focusing on your gains and the speed of attaining them.
Hussien Premium
nice post :)
Tojuwon Premium