Posts by Tommo1968 4
Hi AllWrote a new article yesterday on fly fishing line and it was posted 9pm London time. Have checked Google ranking today and have found it is ranking on page 1 for all 5 keywords. Estimated traffic is only 144p/m for all five combined but hey its still traffic.The title keyword "How to choose a fly line" had a QSR of 63 and is sitting on page 1 position 7."Target species fished for" had a QSR of only 2 so its sitting page 1 position 1. "The rod line rating" had QSR of 21 and is sitting page
Just finished reading Crush It, why now is the time to cash in on your passion by Gary Vaynerchuk the guy. If you have a passion or hobby and lets face it everyone has then this book is for you. In it he explains how he built his fathers wine business on the internet when he discovered the tools to do it including wordpress, facebook and twitter. Gays medium of choice is video where he has a daily wine tasting clip. He has built his brand up and as he says crushed it for six year
July 10, 2012
Hey guys just a note to say one of my articles was sitting on the front page of SA when I went to log in today. Must have done something correct its ranked 48 on the top articles list.
May 02, 2012
Hi, I was recently paid off from working in a fishing tackle and shooting shop and was having a hard time getting interviews with the current economic climate when a friend showed me an ad for making money with "Internet Marketing". I have to say I was doubtful at first thinking.... "It was too good to be true", "Surely everyone is at it", but I have to admit I was curious. So I started my journey, step by step. I scanned the web searching for advice, after a few