Posts by TonyaWells 10
I was really surprised today when I checked my site stats on Wordpress! My site has been averaging about 17-20 organic hits per day, and maybe 30 or 40 on a really good day (I know that sounds pathetic right?)But today, I already have over 50 visits and its still practically early. I actually smiled when I checked out where they came from :)A while ago, I read a post here that talked about the importance of adding alt tags to your pictures and adding keywords to your picture descriptions. I didn
May 31, 2012
I've been tinkering around with video for my website today. This is in its early stages, but I wanted to get a few opinions on it before I go further. I don't plan on posting any media until the site is full of content, but I will have that done soon enough. Check it out and let me know what you think.Shout to Jay for the cool new WA graphic that I was able to include in this!
So, I've been with WA a little over a month and ended my career in healthcare administration about 9 months ago. I worked in Excel every single day, and quite honestly, I missed it. Lucky for me, I found a way to incorporate it back into my IM work and it is an easier way for me to organize my stuff (I just did this a few hours ago so the sheet is not completely populated) What Did I Do? I'm using the spreadsheet to keep track of all my keywords, their search numbers(expected numbe
I need some guidance on this one. My article was rejected stating that : We do not allow landing page content that is sexual in nature, promote gambling or gambling related products, promotes pharmaceuticals, downloading copyrighted material, or anything unethical or illegal. Please remove your links to this landing page or modify the landing page so it meets our guidelines. The landing page is a blogger page with sales material I wrote for an affiliate product that could potentially
April 18, 2012
I wrote some serious sales copy today and I didn't have a clue how to do it until I read one of the training tutorials here! Being able to come here and get the tools that I need to write sales copy and other types of content is so worth the membership price. I have a friend that just opened a virtual admin company and she really needs help marketing. I've told her how much I've learned here and she will hopefully join in May. I am always hesitant about referring people to produc
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Today I added a few articles (or modules) to my Squidoo lens. I was about to write a long piece, but when I went back to see how other people do it, I noticed that the modules are just short bursts of information. I almost felt like I was doing something wrong by writing such a short piece! My understanding of Squidoo is still not whole yet, and I basically see it as a link back to my website, although I have read that some people actually make money from it. Its been a few weeks since I j
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April 10, 2012
I've been MIA for a few days and I regret it! I feel like I missed a date or something! One thing that I'm starting to learn is that inactivity leads to more inactivity, which is ultimately bad for progress. I have been spending too much time studying and reading, and not enough time producing results. I plan to change that... I'm glad that  I am able to recognize my faults and weaknesses. One thing that I have done to help is create a daily work schedule. Its funny how I am
April 04, 2012
Published a new website using the blogger platform. The site is Not adding much content to this one, as its main purpose it to get people to tell their cable company to "kick rocks". Would welcome any input on the current content and the overall look (and feel) of the site. Thanks!
March 29, 2012
Built my first "real page" within my blog site! Im excited about the way it turned out. Now its time to write some articles and drive traffic. I feel like Im starting to get  the hang of this...Im sure there much more to it than this! Check out the page and let me know what you guys think...    
March 28, 2012
Today I figured out why I need to take it slow and follow the 30 day plan!!! I have a web store that I started prior to WA, and its not doing good at all. Now, I feel the need to rush the WA program so I can get back to fixing the storet, but in the process of doing all this stuff, I really haven't accomplished anything!!! I'm gonna go back to working the program and just take things a bit slower.   
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