I Finally Found My Way Back to Excel

Last Update: April 25, 2012

So, I've been with WA a little over a month and ended my career in healthcare administration about 9 months ago. I worked in Excel every single day, and quite honestly, I missed it. Lucky for me, I found a way to incorporate it back into my IM work and it is an easier way for me to organize my stuff (I just did this a few hours ago so the sheet is not completely populated)

What Did I Do?

I'm using the spreadsheet to keep track of all my keywords, their search numbers(expected number of visitors) and Google competition numbers. I also added columns to keep track of whether or not the keywords are used on the home page, or other pages throughout my site. In addition to that, there's also space to keep track of whether or not the keywords were used in articles, which directories they were published with and ect.

With a few more tweaks, I should have this thing color coded and ready to go!

Just wanted to share this in case anyone else was looking for a way to incorporate Excel into their marketing business. Using familiar software makes me feel like a professional again :)


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NatureLynn Premium
I actually use Open Office at home because I have not paid for the Microsoft version, but it is compatible with ti and can be saved and shared as MS Excel.
NatureLynn Premium
I have spreadsheets for all kinds of things in reference to my online endeavors. It makes things easier to keep track of instead of trying to write everything down. I used spreadsheets at my previous jobs and I'm such a geek that I always used them for personal things like bill tracking, etc. So, why not for online project too?
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like you may have a product for IM professionals. Get people to sign up to your list and provide them a template for them to track their progress.

It's nice when a skill is transferable.
TonyaWells Premium
Thats a great idea! :)
I've Never used Excel, although I know people who do. Guess I need to learn about it. Is it fairly easy?
TonyaWells Premium
Its easy for me (but I've been using it for 12 years now) I would definitely look into it, although you can achieve the same thing by taking good notes or loading data in a different program. It helps me organize data and you can even use it as a sort of checklist for tasks to be completed.
mcman187 Premium
that sounds awesome Tonya I need to get a system like this down for my own website so i can keep track of everything
TonyaWells Premium
Its really simple to set up. I have a serious need to stay organized or I'll get way off track :)